AASSC 42nd Annual Conference: May 23 - 24, 2024

The forty-second annual conference of the Association for the Advancement of Scandinavian Studies in Canada (AASSC) was held virtually from Thursday, May 23–Friday, May 24, 2024

The AASSC conference program can be accessed here.

The agenda for the Annual General Meeting is here.

Virtual conference: The AASSC executive has decided to hold our 2024 conference online, due to the Congress for Social Sciences and Humanities taking place in June and not as first announced in May. It will therefore take place independently of Congress 2024, which is now scheduled for June 12–21 at McGill University, Montreal.

Theme: The 2024 conference has an open theme, and we invite submissions on any Scandinavian-/Nordic-related topic in any discipline. In recent years, our conferences have included research from the fields of anthropology, archaeology, business studies, folkloristics, geography, history, Indigenous studies, linguistics, literary studies, medieval studies, philosophy, political science, religious studies, and sociology, among others.

Keynote speaker: Professor Penny Farfan, University of Calgary.

Time zones: Time zone differences will be taken into account as we develop our schedule. The programming of live events will mainly be developed around working hours in Central Canadian time zones. However, we are eager to accommodate conference participants living in other time zones. In particular, presenters living in other time zones will be given priority in earlier or later timeslots that are more convenient for their participation. Please indicate your preferences when submitting your proposal.

Fees: There is no registration fee for participating in the conference. All presenters and audience members must be paid-up AASSC members by May 23, 2024. You can become a member or renew your membership through the AASSC’s website at the following link: (https://www.aassc.com/membership). Regular membership is $75. The membership fee for student, retired and unwaged members is $30. You can also donate to AASSC/gift a membership here: (https://www.aassc.com/Donations).

Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any comments or questions you might have or to pass this Call for Papers along to your colleagues.

Christine Ekholst, for the Committee


Proposals to: scandinavianstudiesincanada@gmail.com

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