
Christine Ekholst, President

Christine Ekholst is a historian who researches gender and sexuality in medieval Scandinavia and Europe. She has taught at Carleton University and the University of Guelph in Canada. She is currently a research fellow at the Department of History at Uppsala University and took up an assistant professorship there in January 2018.

E-mail: christine.ekholst@gmail.com

Trygve Ugland, Vice-President

Trygve Ugland is educated at University of Oslo and Queen’s University of Belfast (Ph.D. in Political Science from University of Oslo). His research and teaching interests lie in the fields of Comparative Politics and Comparative Public Policy, with a focus on European and Scandinavian politics and transatlantic relations. His most recent books include Jean Monnet and Canada: Early Travels and the Idea of European Unity (2011, University of Toronto Press) and Policy Learning from Canada: Reforming Scandinavian Immigration and Integration Policies (2018, University of Toronto Press).

Trygve Ugland has previously served as Secretary General & Vice-Principal Government Relations and Planning at Bishop’s University between 2017 and 2022, and is currently serving his third term as Chair of the Department of Politics
and International Studies at Bishop’s University, where he has been since 2003.

E-mail: tugland@ubishops.ca

Ingrid Urberg, Past President

Ingrid Urberg is a Professor of Scandinavian Studies on the Augustana Campus, University of Alberta where she teaches a variety of Norwegian language, Scandinavian literature and Scandinavian culture courses.  Her research focuses on personal narratives and polar literature, and this has brought her to Northern Norway, Greenland and Svalbard. She is also working on an oral history project, The Norwegian Immigrant Experience in Alberta.

E-mail: iurberg@ualberta.ca

Natalie Van Deusen, Journal Editor; Scandinavian-Canadian Studies

Natalie Van Deusen is the inaugural Henry Cabot and Linnea Lodge Professor of Scandinavian Studies at the University of Alberta, where she teaches a variety of courses on Scandinavian language, literature, and culture. Her research interests include Old Norse and Early Modern Icelandic paleography and philology, manuscript culture, hagiography, disability studies, and gender studies.

E-mail: vandeuse@ualberta.ca

Katelin Marit Parsons, Book Review Editor

Katelin Marit Parsons is a postdoctoral researcher at the Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies in Reykjavík, Iceland. She has studied Icelandic manuscripts in North America from 2009 and has been project manager of the Fragile Heritage Project (Icelandic: Í fótspor Árna Magnússonar í Vesturheimi) at the Árni Magnússon Institute from 2015. Her research interests include codicology, early modern Icelandic literature, the history of archives, diaspora literature and migration. She is also a professional translator of Icelandic into English.

E-mail: katelin.parsons@arnastofnun.is

Brynjarr Eyjólfsson/Perry Mendoza, Secretary

Brynjarr/ Perry Mendoza is a literary translator and a doctoral researcher in comparative literature at the University of Turku. His research investigates the poetics and aesthetics of absence in 21st-century literature, with additional interests in Icelandic glaciers, contemporary art history, and cultural theory. He has helped edit two volumes on Icelandic literary history, participated in projects on Old Icelandic and North-American/ Icelandic manuscripts, and revised an online edition of Eddic poetry for teaching. His master's thesis on Gyrðir Elíasson is the most recent monograph on the author, and the first to introduce affect theory in the context of Icelandic literature. His research is supported by the Canadian Initiative for Nordic Studies.

E-mail: jcmend@utu.fi

John T. Nilson, Treasurer

John Nilson is a retired politician, having served in the Saskatchewan Legislative Assembly for over 20 years. John has held many government posts including Attorney General, Minister of Justice, Minister of Health, and Minister of the Environment. He even served briefly as the Interim Leader for the NDP (2011).  He is a long-standing member of the AASSC.

E-mail: jnilson@sasktel.net

Amy Poole, Webmaster

Amy Poole is an independent researcher and writer on medieval Icelandic topics, with a focus on gender and magic in sagas. In her spare time, Amy also enjoys writing scholarly book reviews for works on a variety of Scandinavian topics. She earned her M.A in History in June 2018 from the University of Guelph, as well as her B.A. in June 2016 at Brock University. Presently, she is an Administrative Assistant for a non-profit community organization.

E-mail: aassccommunications@gmail.com

Tim Frandy, Member at Large

A member of the Sámi American community, Tim Frandy is an Assistant Professor of Nordic Studies at the University of British Columbia. Working predominantly with Indigenous peoples, their research includes decolonization, Sámi and other Indigenous folklore, public folklore, and the environmental humanities. Frandy’s recent translation of Inari Sámi Folklore is the first polyvocal anthology of Sámi oral tradition ever published in English.

E-mail: tim.frandy@ubc.ca

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